FXB Solutions
Web Trader Technology:

A platform accessible from all web browsers.

Experience a platform accessible from all web browsers. Our SBS web platform provides you with free access to your Web Trader account directly from the web.

Experience Your Platform Without Downloads or Installations:

Access all available instruments effortlessly, without the need for downloads or installations. Enjoy a single access point with additional availability for integrated indicators and tools.
Begin your journey of enjoyment with our Web Trader platform.

Don't wait any longer, contract the complete package for your new business.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Yes, it is a FX Broker Solutions solution.

Its greatest versatility lies in the fact that it can be used both on the computer and on the mobile phone without the need to be downloaded.

The licenses are indefinite. They remain valid as long as you pay the monthly instalments, and the best part is that there is no obligation of permanence. It's simply month by month.

Unlock Your Complete fX broker Solution
with Our Package:

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FXBS Technologies Disclaimer: Software development company, not a broker. Platform demo only, no live trading possible. Information for marketing purposes, not financial advice. Services subject to local regulations, contact sales team for details. We do not provide financial, investment, or consulting services. Articles are author opinions, not official company positions. Content is for informational purposes only, not financial advice. Review our legal documents for full details. By using this website, you acknowledge: Understanding the English language sufficiently. Taking full responsibility for any actions based on website content. Disagree with the disclaimer or documents, Please leave this website immediately.