Who We Are
FX Broker Solutions

The FXBS Mission Architects: Building Profitable Forex Brokerages

At FXBS, we're not just a technology provider – we're a team of passionate architects dedicated to your success. We've built the FXBS platform, a fully integrated solution designed to:

The Global FX Braintrust: Your Navigators in the Forex Arena

Our team isn't just a collection of faces – it's a dynamic force of seasoned FX veterans. We hail from various corners of the world (Europe, LATAM, MENA, Asia) and bring with them an unparalleled understanding of:

The Nuances of Brokerage: Our team members have held key positions at top forex brokers, giving them a deep understanding of your business challenges and opportunities.

Market Specificity: We're fluent in the unique dynamics of various forex markets, ensuring we can tailor solutions to your specific regional needs.

Regulation & Compliance: Forget navigating legal labyrinths alone – our team's expertise in complex regulatory environments keeps you on solid ground.

But their knowledge goes beyond theory. These are individuals who have gotten their hands dirty in the trenches of the forex industry. They've managed client relationships, tackled order flow complexities, and even co-created cutting-edge trading applications. This real-world experience translates into actionable insights and solutions for your business.

When you partner with FXBS, you gain access to a global BrainTrust that's uniquely equipped to propel your forex brokerage to success.

Stop Dreaming, Start Building: Launch Your Forex Business!

Don't delay any further. Dive deeper into our payment solution to discover how it can revolutionize your business operations.

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Introducing Our Multi-Level Partnership Program

Our multi-level partnership program caters to Forex affiliates and Introducing Brokers (IBs), offering an effective avenue for business expansion across multiple countries simultaneously, without incurring additional expenses for staffing and maintenance.

Expand your Forex affiliate network globally: leverage transparent IB reports showcasing client data, automated calculations, and comprehensive data accessibility within the partners' section. With our program, fostering successful business relationships becomes seamless and rewarding for all parties involved.

Excel Reports:

Empower your partners with a variety of Excel reports delineating their clients' trading volumes and other pertinent data crucial for their IB rewards. Customize the frequency of report generation according to specific needs.

Promotional Banners:

Enable partners to incentivize their clients and entice new ones through the use of promotional banners.

Client List:

Grant partners access to comprehensive client lists, providing insights into trading details, funds, and activity.

Dashboard with Charts:

Facilitate partners with dashboards featuring charts illustrating monthly IB efficiency, enhancing visibility and performance tracking.

Partnership Rewards:

Empower partners to track and manage their rewards seamlessly, fostering transparency and motivation..

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

It is an alternative solution to regulations, which are usually costly in terms of money, time and KYC processes.

The best thing to do is to tell us your business intentions, we will assess your real needs and provide you with the best solution.

This structure must be renewed annually.

Stop Dreaming, Start Building:
Launch Your Forex Business!

Unlock Your Complete fX broker Solution
with Our Package:

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FXBS Technologies Disclaimer: Software development company, not a broker. Platform demo only, no live trading possible. Information for marketing purposes, not financial advice. Services subject to local regulations, contact sales team for details. We do not provide financial, investment, or consulting services. Articles are author opinions, not official company positions. Content is for informational purposes only, not financial advice. Review our legal documents for full details. By using this website, you acknowledge: Understanding the English language sufficiently. Taking full responsibility for any actions based on website content. Disagree with the disclaimer or documents, Please leave this website immediately.