Thanks to this area, you will be able to manage all your broker’s internal procedures with a single click.

Gain a comprehensive 360° management view of your leads and prospects directly on your screen. With this feature-rich area, you can effortlessly oversee all internal procedures of your brokerage with just a single click. Experience seamless management and enhanced efficiency with our Admin Dashboard.

The CRM solution solution for your broker

At FX Broker Solutions we have been in the trading industry for many years, which has given us a deep understanding of the needs of brokers and traders. As a result, we have created CRMReal which presents you with a CRM platform that is fully customisable and adapted to each client.

Don't wait any longer, contract the complete package for your new business.

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Features of the Administrative Area


Manage all important information on your customer list
Manage your entire task list and communicate with your leads
Control all customer deposits and withdrawals
Organise all arrangements with your team of IBs
Automatic mass reporting by email
Don't miss any notifications thanks to alert tickets

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Yes, you have the option to exclusively hire the administrative area. However, having the entire package enhances functionality.Please contact us for more information.

The administrative area is indispensable for managing all aspects of the broker's activity. Without CRM, administrative tasks would be laborious.

No, there is no obligation of permanence. You can enjoy the CRM on a month-by-month basis as long as the monthly payments are made.

Unlock Your Complete fX broker Solution
with Our Package:

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