Data Feed

Data Stream Access Unlock a premium array of market assets effortlessly.

Secure your Market Data Feed package today!

Understanding the Data Feed:

The Data Feed comprises the essential assortment of assets and securities pivotal for every broker to extend to their clients, facilitating seamless management within their operations

It's paramount to curate a diverse array of assets that caters to varied demands, coupled with swift and uninterrupted market connectivity devoid of delays or requotes. At Smart Broker Solutions, we present an all-encompassing Data Feed package featuring the ideal selection tailored for any brokerage.

Technical Specifications of Our Data Feed: A Comprehensive Package Featuring the Most Sought-After Assets

Extensive System Compatibility Optimized Asset Portfolio Encompassing Forex, Precious Metals, Commodities, IndicesUS Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Pharmaceutical Equities…

Accessible via Unified and FIX API Engage with our technical experts for seamless cross-platform integration advice.

Don't wait any longer, contract the complete package for your new business.

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Why Opt for an Extensive Data Feed?

For startup brokers, establishing a robust data feed and securities setup that provides clients with a diverse asset selection can be challenging.

Our curated array of assets stems from years of meticulous filtering, resulting in an optimal data feed package that enriches your brokerage's offerings.

Secure your Data Feed solution today!

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Technical features of our Data Feed


Wide system compatibility

Optimal asset selection
Forex, Metals, Commodities, Index, Cryptocurrencies, US Shares, Pharmaceutical Stocks…

Connection via Unifeeder and FIX API
Consult our technical team for cross-platform integration.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the prerequisites for installing my Data Feed package? A trading platform is essential to fully utilize the package. For details on compatible platforms, please reach out to us.

Customized selections and sets are indeed available. Please get in touch with us for more details.

To access it, a monthly subscription is necessary. Kindly consult our rates with our representatives.

Unlock Your Complete fX broker Solution
with Our Package:

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