Privacy & Policy

Your Privacy at FXBS Technologies

Protecting your data is our priority. This policy explains how FXBS Technologies uses your information when you visit our website.

What We Collect:

Basic details: IP address, location (general), browser info, pages viewed, etc. Contact info (optional): You can choose to provide your name, email, phone number, etc. through forms. We do not directly collect sensitive data. (e.g., race, religion, health).

How We Use It:

Improve website functionality and user experience. Respond to inquiries through contact forms. Analyze website traffic for improvement purposes (anonymously). Offer relevant marketing based on your browsing activity (with your consent). We use cookies for this. Cookies - Explained:

Cookies are small files stored on your device that help us understand your browsing behavior.

Strictly necessary: Allow the website to function properly. Preferences: Remember your chosen language or region settings. Analytics: Help us identify areas for improvement on the website (anonymously). Marketing: Display ads tailored to your interests (with your consent). Controlling Your Data:

You can adjust your browser settings to manage or disable cookies. We respect your right to access, correct, or erase your data. Contact us for details.

Third-Party Links and Disclosures:

Our website may contain links to other websites. Their privacy policies apply when you visit those sites. We may share your data with trusted partners when necessary to provide our services. Changes to This Policy:

We may update this policy periodically. Please revisit for any changes.

Contact Us:

Have questions or concerns? Contact us at

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Our payment solution encompasses various methods to offer a superior alternative for Broker clients. Currently, these methods include:
  • Cash deposits via QR-code
  • Deposits by MasterCard
  • Deposits via our exchange

Any business can contract our FXBS Payments services, even those considered "High Risk". .

Whether you are a regulated or unregulated broker, our FXBS Payments solution enables trading with your broker.

Yes, similar to most monetary transactions, our Smart Payments solution incurs fees. For detailed information, we recommend contacting us directly.

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FXBS Technologies Disclaimer: Software development company, not a broker. Platform demo only, no live trading possible. Information for marketing purposes, not financial advice. Services subject to local regulations, contact sales team for details. We do not provide financial, investment, or consulting services. Articles are author opinions, not official company positions. Content is for informational purposes only, not financial advice. Review our legal documents for full details. By using this website, you acknowledge: Understanding the English language sufficiently. Taking full responsibility for any actions based on website content. Disagree with the disclaimer or documents, Please leave this website immediately.